Causes of slips

Causes of slips

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This task is about possible causes of landslides.

Question 1Change answer

Landslips, like the one shown, may be caused naturally or by the actions of humans or animals.
An example is cows and sheep walking on the land.
List four other likely causes of landslips.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
For this task students are provided with a diagram of a landslip and an example of a possible cause of this. Students are required to list four other possible causes of landslips.
Making Better Sense: 


Y6 (11/2000)

Any 4 of:

  • Steepness of slope/of land.
  • Loose soil structure.
  • Layers of different soil/rock strata slipping against each other.
  • Waterlogged land. Land becoming waterlogged.
  • Earthquake.
  • Rivers/streams cutting into banks.
  • (Heavy) rain.
  • Farm tracks/roads/tramping tracks, subject to more erosion because of lack of vegetation or because they are on a hillside.
  • Stock damage to land. (reasons as above)
  • Rabbits/rabbit burrows. (reasons as above and because they break up soil surface)
  • Any other possible answer.

4 correct – very difficult

3 correct – very difficult

2 correct – moderate

1 correct – very easy

Diagnostic and formative information: 

Common answers

The three most common correct answers given were:
Rain – 35% of all correct answers given.
Earthquakes – 24%
Heavy machinery/equipment going over land etc., – 15%