Investigating crater impact
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This task is about investigating impact craters.
Task administration:
This task can be completed with equipment, and pencil and paper or online
Tray of damp sand; 2 different sized marbles; 1 m ruler or tape measure; pencil.
- Set up the tray of damp sand for the students. The sand should be pressed slightly and level with the top of the tray. A tray size of 30 cm x 20 cm and 6 cm deep would be sufficient.
- You may need to prompt students when they are measuring the craters that width = across, and depth = down.
- You may need to show students how to drop their marbles from a standard height and how to measure crater depth. One way of measuring crater depth is to put a pencil into the crater and then measuring how far down into the sand it went. Alternatively you could assess these aspects of fair testing.
Curriculum info:
Description of task:
For this practical task students investigate some features of craters, complete a table, and explain what they found out. Students then use a diagram showing some craters on the Moon to write as much information as they can about these craters.
Curriculum Links:
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss what data can be collected using a model.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss what a model shows, and how to match what you have found to a diagram.
Science capabilities:
a) | For completing the chart accurately. |
b) |
Any 2 of:
c) |
For any 3 of:
Next steps:
Students should investigate and report on how different angles at which a meteor hits a surface affects the shape, size, etc., of the crater made. This extension could have a planning, data collection, and reporting sections.
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