Life cycle of the Harrier Hawk

Life cycle of the Harrier Hawk

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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This task is about putting pictures of a harrier hawk in order, from the youngest to oldest.

Question Change answer

a)  Sort the five pictures of the Harrier Hawk in order from the youngest to oldest.
  • P6325harrier chick-250.png
  • P6325harriereggs-250.png
  • P6325juvenille-250.png
  • P6325youngharriers-250.png
  • P6325Harrier hawk-250.png

Question 1Change answer

P6325harriereggs-250.png          P6325harrier chick-250.png
b)  Write down two ways that the Harrier Hawk has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

P6325harrier chick-250.png          P6325youngharriers-250.png
c)  Write down two ways that the Harrier Hawk has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

young harriers          P6325juvenille-250.png
d)  Write down two ways that the Harrier Hawk has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

P6325juvenille-250.png          P6325Harrier hawk-250.png
e)  Write down two ways that the Harrier Hawk has changed from the first picture to second picture.
Task administration: 
This resource assesses student understanding of life cycles.

  • You should check students have pictures in the correct order before they proceed.
  • Students could either write, or explain verbally the changes they observe.
Description of task: 
This practical task requires students to order five photographs of the life cycle of a Harrier Hawk. Students describe the changes that have occurred in each part of the lifecycle. NOTE: This resource is intended to be used in colour.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss when we look very carefully and notice lots of things it helps us describe how things are similar and different.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 




Any 2 of the following:

  • The eggs have hatched into chicks.
  • Chicks are small.
  • Chicks have small beaks.
  • Feathers are fluffy.
  • Other acceptable answers.


Any 2 of:

  • Chicks are larger.
  • Chicks are staring to lose some of their "fluff".
  • Legs on the chicks have grown longer.
  • Wings are large and defined.
  • Beaks are larger.
  • Head area is more defined and separate from the body (neck has developed).
  • Other acceptable answers.


Any 2 of:

  • Has coloured (mature) feathers growing on the body.
  • Can walk on its legs.
  • Larger wings.
  • Body has got larger.
  • Other acceptable answers.


Any 2 of:

  • Larger/has a big body.
  • Wings have developed and are covered in coloured feathers.
  • No "fluff" present on the hawk/has feathers.
  • Eyes have a yellow area around the pupil.
  • Legs are defined, long, with mature coloured feathers on them.
  • Other acceptable answers.