Life cycle of the kākāpō

Life cycle of the kākāpō

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This task is about how animals change in their life cycle.

Question Change answer

Put these pictures in order from the picture of the youngest kākāpō to the picture of the oldest.

Question 1Change answer

Write down how the kākāpō has changed from picture B to picture D.

Question 1Change answer

Write down how the kākāpō has changed from picture D to picture A.

Question 1Change answer

Write down how the kākāpō has changed from picture A to picture C.
Task administration: 
Scissors; glue; sheet of pictures.
If using the print version:
  • This resource is intended to be used in colour.
  • If you are unable to print in colour, the students could view the resource on the computer screen and then complete the questions that follow.
  • Or, alternatively, the photos could be printed off in colour and made into class sets.
  • Students need to complete question a) before they are given the page on which questions b) to d) are written.
  • You should check students have pictures in the correct order before they proceed with parts b), c), and d).
  • Students could either write or explain verbally the changes they observe.
Description of task: 
This practical requires students to place four photographs of kākāpo at different times in their life cycle in order from youngest to oldest. Students describe how the kākāpo changes from each part of the life cycle to the next. NOTE: This resource is intended to be used in colour.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the importance of clearly describing what we see.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 


B, D, A, C


Any 2 of the following:

  • The chick/kākāpō is bigger.
  • The chick/kākāpō is walking/standing.
  • The chick/kākāpō has a mixture of "fluff"/coloured feathers.
  • Can see small (stubby) wings.
  • The eyes are open.
  • Other acceptable answers.


Any 2 of the following:

  • The chick/kākāpō looks larger.
  • There are still traces of "fluff" but the majority of the chick/kākāpō is covered with feathers.
  • Wings look larger and more defined.
  • Other acceptable answers.


Any 2 of the following:

  • The bird is bigger/has a big body.
  • No traces of "fluff" can be seen.
  • The feathers are all coloured/are bright green with yellow and some black flecks.
  • Wings are large (with long feathers on the ends).
  • Tail feathers are present.
  • Eyes are open and have a blue rim around the outer edge of the pupil.
  • Other acceptable answers.

NOTE: Answers that refer to the picture of the younger kākāpō and involve reverse statements to those listed above are acceptable.