The magic wand

The magic wand

Pencil and paper
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Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
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This task is about making inferences about illustrations.

Look at the picture and read the words from the story "The Magic Wand", page 42, School Journal Part 2, No. 3, 1997, to help answer the questions.

  1. In this picture paper darts have been thrown in the air. Draw circles around two other things in the picture that have been thrown in the air.

  2. Look at this drawing of a dart. What do the lines behind the dart show?

    Image of a dart

  3. Why does the teacher probably feel angry?

  4. What is it about the teacher's face that makes her look angry?

  5. What is it about the teacher's body that makes her look angry?

  6. How is the girl with her hand in her pocket most likely feeling?

    1. Sad
    2. Mischievous
    3. Surprised
    4. Angry

  7. Draw an arrow pointing at the part of the frog that shows it is feeling unhappy.

  8. What do the stars near the frog show?

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
You will need to proivde each student with a copy of page 42, School Journal Part 2, No. 3, 1997 with the text removed. (Magic Wand). 
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students make inferences from visual cues and make links between visual and written text. SJ-2-3-1997.


  Y5 (5/99)
a) Any 2 of:

•   rubbish
•   tennis ball
•   shuttlecock
•   hat

b) Any 1 of:

•   It is going fast/going down.
•   It is moving/flying.
•   It is turning.
•   Air/wind.

c) Any 1 of:

•   The children are running around and throwing
•   The children are not doing their work.

very easy
d) Any 1 of:

•   Her mouth (is turning down).
•   Her eyes/eyebrows (look angry).
•   She is frowning.

e) She has her hands on her hips. easy
f) B easy
g) Arrow pointing at the frog's mouth. very easy
h) Any 1 of:

•   An answer which refers to magic.
•   Someone has been turned into a frog.
