Mouse party

Mouse party

Pencil and paper
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This task is about making inferences from illustrations.
Look at the comic strip from pages 31 to 32 of Junior Journal 12, 1995
  1. Where is the mouse in Picture 2 trying to push the cheese to?

  2. Draw circles around the two parts of Picture 5 which show the mouse has an idea.

  3. How does the mouse move the carrot from the pantry to the block of cheese?

  4. What does the mouse use to make smaller pieces of carrot?

  5. In Picture 9 there are some sticks in a jar. What does the mouse use these for later in the story?

  6. Why are the mice probably looking frightened in Picture 11?

  7. Picture 13 has been drawn so that you feel like you are looking at it from

    1. outside the mouse hole.
    2. inside the mouse hole.
    3. above the mouse hole.
    4. below the mouse hole.

  8. Write a title to go with this comic strip.

Task administration: 
This task can be completed using pencil and paper. 
You will need to make a copy of the images on pages 31 to 32 of Junior Journal 12, 1995 (Mouse Work) and number each frame from 1 to 13.
Provide students with numbered copies of the comic strip OR project the comic strip onto a shared screen.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students use visual clues in a comic strip to answer inferential questions.
  Y5 (05/1999)
a) To his mouse hole. easy
b) •   Circle drawn around the '!'
•   Circle drawn around the mouse's held up
2 correct – moderate

1 correct – very easy

c) He/she rolls it. easy
d) Its teeth or any answer which indicates that teeth are used e.g., he/she bites it. easy
e) As axles/to join the pieces of carrot, or any other answer which indicates that they contribute to the making of the wheels. moderate
f) Any 1 of:

•   They have seen the cat.
•   The cat has seen them.

very easy
g) B very easy
h) Any 1 of:

•   A title which refers to getting the cheese,
     e.g., 'Cheese for Dinner'.
•   A title which refers to the difficulty of
     moving the cheese, e.g., 'A Cunning Plan'.
•   A title which refers to the risk posed by
     the cat, e.g., 'A Narrow Escape'.
