Trotting Horse

Trotting Horse

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This task is about finding the circumference of a circle. 
A horse trots around a track, on the end of a 10-metre rope, as a horse trainer stands in the centre.

Question 2Change answer

a)  Providing the rope remains fully stretched, how far does the horse travel
     when it trots once around the ring?

Question 2Change answer

b)  The horse begins another full circle.
     This time it trots exactly half way around with the rope fully stretched at 10 metres.
     The trainer then moves towards the horse, shortening the rope to 6 metres.
     The horse then trots the second half of the circle.
     How far does the horse travel this time?
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pen and paper or online (with NO auto marking).
Description of task: 
This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Answers/responses Y10 (12/1997)
a) 62.8 metres (± 0.2 m) difficult
b) 50.24 metres (± 0.2 m) difficult
Diagnostic and formative information: 
  Diagnostic Information – Common Errors

  Student Response Likely Calculation Likely Misconception
π × 10 (i.e., πr)
1/2(π × 10 + π × 6)
Fails to double radius.
a) 314 π × 100 = π × 102 Confuses area and circumference.
a) 62   Uses correct formula but rounds answer down (truncates) to next lowest integer.