Types of paper

Types of paper

Pencil and paper
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This task is about comparing the physical properties of different types of paper.
Different types of paper have different uses.
Draw a line to match the different types of paper with their description. One description is not needed.

Type of paper

Description of paper

Tissues   •
•   Stiff, strong, has a water-proof wax coating.
•   White or pale colours, smooth, will not easily soak up liquids.
•   Soft, will easily soak up liquids, white and pale colours, tears easily.
•   Strong, cannot be seen through, bright colours.
•   Stiff, will not soak up grease or oils, tears easily.
•   Strong even when wet, will easily soak up liquids like water and oil.
Paper cup   •

Photocopy paper   •

Gift-wrapping paper   •
  Paper towels   •
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students draw a line from each paper type to a description of each paper's properties.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how the properties of a material suit their use.
Making Better Sense: 

Y6 (11/1999)

Tissue – easy

Paper cup – easy

Photocopy paper – moderate

Gift-wrapping paper – easy

Paper towels – moderate

Diagnostic and formative information: 
Paper type Common errors
Tissues Stiff, will not soak up grease or oils – 14%.
White or pale colours – 10%.
Paper cup White or pale colours – 9%.
Photocopy paper Stiff, will not soak up grease or oils – 24%.
Strong, cannot be seen through – 12%.
Paper towels Soft, will easily soak up liquids – 27%.
Stiff, will not easily soak up grease or oils – 10%.