Using the whare tapawhā model of hauora (well-being), students explore the different dimensions of health, and write an explanation of how each can be cared for. The assessment focus is on the features of an explanation.
Students reflect on notes taken during a rugby game to write an effective report. They also consider some features that will add effect to their report. A link to student support material is given under the "Working with Students" tab.
Students write an argument about the impact of rugby in New Zealand. The features of a written argument are the focus for this assessment. Links to self-assessment writing supports are given under the "Working with Students" tab.
Students write an argument either for or against daily physical education in schools. Support materials and links to exemplars for writing an argument are given under the "Working with Students" tab.
Students identify the topic sentence, supporting sentences and summary sentence in a given paragraph. They then write their own paragraph, working to include these elements.
The assessment focus is on the features of an explanation. Students explore and write an explanation of the impacts the food industry could have on improving health.