5 Blocks and a cylinder 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescuboidscylindersvolume Students calculate the volume of blocks in a cylinder, the cylinder and the space around the blocks. Preview
5 Work out the area 1 Keywords: areacirclesdiametersquares Students use known diameters of tins to work out the floor area of a carton and a given number of tins. Preview
5 Blocks of land 2 Keywords: areaconversion of unitshectares Students calculate the area of a block of land and calculate a width given the area. The questions also involve working with hectares. Preview
5 Volume of cuboids 1 Keywords: cuboidsvolume Students use diagrams of two boxes with given dimensions to calculate the volume of both boxes and the number of smaller boxes that could fit into one of the boxes. Preview
5 Area of four lawns 5 Keywords: areacomposite shapes Students calculate the areas of four composite shapes. Preview
5 Estimating the area of Antarctica 2 Keywords: areaestimationpisa Students use a scale map to estimate the area of Antarctica and explain their method. Preview
5 Enlargement and area 1 Keywords: areaenlargementresizingscale factor Students enlarge a shape on a grid and explore the relationship between scale factor and area. Preview
5 Area of the section 1 Keywords: areacomposite shapesrectanglessquaresunit squares Students calculate the area of lawn, deck, house, patio, pool drive and garden of a section. Preview
5 Tiling around the pool 1 Keywords: areacomposite shapesperimeter Students use the measurements of a swimming pool and surrounding area to calculate perimeter, area and quantity of tiles needed for the surrounds. Preview
5 Volume and distance 1 Keywords: conversion of unitsdistancesratesvolume Students convert between millilitres, litres, pints and gallons, and kilometres and miles. Preview
5 Bush reserve 0 Keywords: areacomposite shapeshectaresrectanglestriangles Students calculate the area of a bush reserve in hectares. Preview
5 Volume and surface area 0 Keywords: areacuboidssurface areavolume Students calculate the surface area and volume of cuboids. Preview
5 Colours on the flag 0 Keywords: areacirclescomposite shapesperimeterrectangles Students calculate area of colours and the perimeter of a flag. Preview
5 How big is the dressing table? 1 Keywords: areacuboidsperimeterrectanglesvolume Students calculate the width, height, perimeter and area of a dressing table, and the volume of a drawer from given measurements. Preview
5 Fish tank volume 0 Keywords: capacitycuboidsvolume Students answer multiple-choice questions about volume of fish tanks given their dimensions. Preview
5 Constructing different shaped boxes 1 Keywords: model constructionnetsvolume This practical task requires students to construct open boxes from grid paper and calculate their volumes. Preview
5 Trotting Horse 1 Keywords: circlescircumferences This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements. Preview