In this practical task students need to weigh books, take measurements of length, convert these as required, and calculate volume and dimensions for a cover.
From diagrams of four original and enlarged drawings to be used for Christmas wrapping paper, students identify the scale factor used and find a missing length on either the enlarged picture or the original picture.
From three different sized animal pictures and their enlargements, students are required to identify the scale factor and the length of an unknown side.
In this practical task students use a ruler, a protractor, and a compass to enlarge an arrow by two given scale factors. They then complete a table to show the invariant properties.
This practical task requires students to construct a one metre newspaper roll, use it to estimate the dimensions of a room, then calculate the volume of that room.
In this practical task students design a net for a lidded cardboard box to hold 3 "chocolate bars" represented by hundreds blocks. They then cut out and construct the box.