4 Tessellating shaped bricks 2 Keywords: drawingtessellations Students draw shapes to continue tessellation patterns. Preview
3 Designing badges 1 Keywords: areadrawingshape propertiessymmetry Students design school library badges by creating four symmetrical patterns using 2-dimensional shapes. A display board template is included for students to put their work on. Preview
3 Drawing reflections 0 Keywords: drawingreflection Students draw in the reflected images of two sketches along a given mirror line. Preview
2 How tidy? 0 Keywords: drawinggraph constructionline graphsrelationships Students draw a line graph from information about room tidiness over the course of a day. Preview
4 Tessellating patterns II 2 Keywords: drawingtessellations Students use given shapes to cover grids in tessellating patterns. Preview
4 My cat Sooty 1 Keywords: diagramsdrawingecologyfood chains Task: Read a story about a cat and use the information to draw a food chain. Assessment focus: Using information to construct a food chain. Preview