A flax bush ecosystem

Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Working with Students
Further Resources
This task is about relationships between living and non-living things in a flax bush.
Task administration:
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or by drawing online.
Curriculum info:
Description of task:
Task: Complete a drawing of things found in and near a flax bush, and describe relationships between them. Assessment focus: interdependence in a flax bush environment.
Curriculum Links:
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Engage with science
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the direct impact to organisms when there is a change to their environment.
Capabilitiy: Use evidence
This resource provides opportunities to discuss using logical reasoning and developing science understandings to present science ideas about food chains and/or food webs.
Science capabilities:
a) |
Check for the following points.
b) |
Check that the relationship described is correct. For example, are the descriptions of feeding relationships accurate?
c) |
Can accurately describe an element that may be affected by a human action. This may be at 1 of 2 levels:
For more details go to Thinking about systems. |
Diagnostic and formative information:
NOTE: This resource was designed to provide an alternative context for exploring interactions in an ecosystem, and has not been trialled with students.
Go to What lives in our waterways? for diagnostic and formative information relating to the waterways (which was the context of the original resource) as a guide for what to look for.
Next steps:
For Next steps refer to
- What lives in our waterways? (Teacher Information). This will provide some broad ideas of what to look for.
- Thinking about systems.
The games in the following resources provide models that can be adapted to address relationships on a flax bush:
A website that provides some information about life in a flax bush is
- A wasteland food web
- Rocky shore food web
- What lives in our waterways?
- Interdependence loopy
- Waterways relationships web game
- Waterways tag
- Living on a dairy farm
- What's in the garden?
- A native bush ecosystem
- Living in the ocean
- The beech forest III
- Inter-relationships - a really important idea in environmental science