For this task students are asked to draw the eyes, fins, gills, and mouth onto an outline of a fish. Students then explain the function of each of these parts of the fish (including scales and the tail).
Students are given four pictures, and are asked to draw a circle around the picture that is not a bird, and then give a reason for their choice. Similarly, they circle animals that are not mammals, fish, and molluscs.
Task: Identify features of 4 animals that live in water, then use this information to decide whether they are fish or not. Assessment focus: classification of fish.
Task: Identify features of 4 animals that live in water, then use this information to decide whether they are fish or not. Assessment focus: classification of fish.
Task: use information and observation skills to identify whether pictures of fish are either bony fish or sharks. Assessment focus: classification, interpreting a Venn diagram.
This practical task assesses students' understanding of the different features of the vertebrate groups. Students need to identify the larger group that their animal card belongs too, then work with other students with the same group to write down all the features of that group.
This practical task assesses students' ability to identify the larger animal group that four vertebrate animals belong to and then identify the features that those groups have using labels.
Task: Identify how features/adaptations of a starfish help it survive, and decide whether the amount of evidence from scientists' observations supports or does not support their theory/inference. Assessment focus: using observations as evidence to inform theories.
Task: Use pictures to identify special features of various fish and make predictions as to likely habitats based on these features. Assessment focus: purpose of adaptation in fish.
Task: from a set of animals students identify which have observable features common to fish. They then use this information to identify which of the animals are fish. Assessment focus: classification of fish.