4 Making necklaces II 2 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets This practical task requires students to determine the number of different coloured beads needed to thread onto a necklace by interpreting different fractions. Preview
4 More marbles 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssubtraction Students calculate fractions of a given number of marbles. Preview
3 Fractions of money 1 Keywords: decimalsfractionsfractions as operatorsmoney In this practical task students use play money to show fractions of dollar amounts involving decimals. Preview
34 Money fractions 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorsmoney In this practical task students use play money to show fractions of dollar amounts. Preview
3 Hungry shark 7 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators In this practical task students drag fractions of different fish onto the body of a shark. Preview
34 Model car fractions 8 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students calculate fractions of a total number of cars. They also calculate the total number of cars, given an identified fraction of this total. Preview
2 Tidying up 6 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of toys to click and drag into a toy box. Preview