Making necklaces II

Making necklaces II

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about working out fractions of numbers.
Complete the table below to give the number of each coloured bead in each necklace.

Instructions to make each necklace

Necklace A

Total of 12 beads of which

  • 312 are red
  • 12 are blue
  • 16 are green
  • 112 are black

Necklace B

Total of 18 beads of which

  • 23 are red
  • 16 are blue
  • 19 are green
  • 118 are black

Necklace C

Total of 24 beads of which

  • 14 are red
  • 13 are blue
  • 312 are green
  • 16 are black


Table to Record Answers

Number of each
coloured bead
Task administration: 

This task is completed with pencil and paper, and other equipment.

Equipment: Coloured beads - 24 each of red, blue, green, and black; threaders (e.g., string or fishing line); worksheet including instructions for each necklace and a table to record answers.

  • No calculators are allowed.
  • Teacher says to students

I would like you to make three different necklaces out of coloured beads. The instructions for each necklace will tell you

  1. the total number of beads, and
  2. how many of each colour there should be, written as a fraction.

Thread the beads, then record the number of each colour in the table.

Description of task: 
This practical task requires students to determine the number of different coloured beads needed to thread onto a necklace by interpreting different fractions.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' ability to apply additive or multiplicative strategies flexibly to find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.