3 Travel times 1 Keywords: diagramsmapping diagramsnetwork diagramsnetwork mapshortest paths Students use given times to calculate how long it takes to travel between two towns on a network map, including finding the quickest route. Preview
2 Greater or less than 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagramsrelationships Students complete number relationships using 'is greater than' and 'is less than'. Preview
2 Taller or shorter? 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagrams Students interpret a relationship diagram about the relative heights of four children. Preview
2 Basketball lesson 0 Keywords: mapping diagramsrelationships Students interpret and answer questions about a mapping diagram showing activities students chose in a basketball lesson. Preview
4 Mapping diagrams 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesmapping diagramsmatchingrelationships Students complete mapping diagrams showing relationships, then list the ordered pairs. Preview
2 Older or younger? 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagrams Students interpret and answer questions about a relationship diagram that shows which of four children are older than each other. Preview
12 More or less 0 Keywords: mapping diagramsnumber patternsrelationships Students complete number relationships using 'is two more than' and 'is two less than'. Preview
2 Erena's lollies 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol (greater than, equal to, less than) to complete statements about the number of lollies in a bag. Preview