4 International time difference 2 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
4 International time difference II 4 Keywords: 24-hour timenegative numberstimetime-zones Students answer questions about international time differences. Preview
4 Showing temperature changes 2 Keywords: equationsnegative numbersnumber linesnumber sentences Students show temperature movements on a number line including negative numbers, and write the movement as an equation. Preview
5 Negative number cards 2 Keywords: multiplicationnegative numbers Students solve multiplication problems involving negative numbers, finding the biggest and the smallest products. Preview
4 Ordering temperatures 3 Keywords: negative numbersordering numbers Students order given temperatures from lowest to highest. Preview
4 Changing temperatures II 4 Keywords: negative numbersreading scalestemperature Students read temperatures on thermometers and identify where changes of temperature would be marked. Preview
4 Water level 2 Keywords: negative numbersnumber linesscale Students answer questions involving negative numbers about rising and falling water levels. Preview
5 Working with negative numbers 0 Keywords: additionmultiplicationnegative numberssubtraction Students multiply, add, and subtract expressions with negative numbers. Preview
45 Indoor cricket scores 1 Keywords: additionmultiplicationnegative numbers Students perform calculations on indoor cricket scores, which include negative numbers. Preview
4 TV game show 1 Keywords: additionmultiplicationnegative numberssubtraction Students find the biggest and smallest numbers from a list of positive and negative numbers. They add, subtract and multiply using these numbers. Preview
4 Changing temperatures 1 Keywords: additionnegative numberssubtraction Using temperatures, students perform addition and subtraction calculations involving negative numbers. Preview
5 Red and black 2 Keywords: additionmultiplicationnegative numbers Students perform calculations using whole numbers and negative numbers. Preview
4 Positive and negative number line 7 Keywords: negative numbersnumber lines Students identify negative and positive numbers on a number line and suggest real life experiences that would involve negative numbers. Preview