4 Number sentences IV 0 Keywords: equal toequationsgreater thanless thannemp Students complete inequations by identifying the number or symbol needed to make the expression correct. Preview
2 Down at the beach 0 Keywords: additionnumber sentencessubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to solve story problems and show their equations. Preview
3 Number sentences and story problems 4 Keywords: additionnumber sentencesstory problemssubtraction Students write number sentences for story problems, and create story problems from number sentences. Preview
3 Making number sentences II 3 Keywords: divisionmultiplicationnumber sentencesstory problems Students write number sentences for story problems, and create story problems from number sentences. Preview
2 Making number sentences 4 Keywords: arithmetic operationsnumber sentencesstory problems Students create and solve number sentences that represent story problems. Preview
4 Write an equation 2 Keywords: additiondivisionmultiplicationnumber sentencesorder of operationssubtraction Students solve and write appropriate equations for story problems. Preview
5 Writing equations 2 Keywords: equationslinear equationsnumber sentences Students complete linear equations for three practical word problems. Preview
4 Showing temperature changes 2 Keywords: equationsnegative numbersnumber linesnumber sentences Students show temperature movements on a number line including negative numbers, and write the movement as an equation. Preview
2 Creating number sentences 3 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thannemp For this NEMP task students use cards with numbers and operations on them to create number sentences. Preview
2 Cuisenaire number sentences 1 Keywords: additionanimal stripscuisenaire rodsequalitynumber sentencespractical Students use Cuisenaire rods or Animal strips to make up addition number sentences and record them. Preview
2 Balance pans 1 Keywords: equalityequivalencenumber sentences Students draw in the correct number of blocks needed to balance some scales and write equations for scales that show balance. Preview
2 Number sentences 0 Keywords: equal toequationsgreater thanless thannemp Students complete inequations by identifying the number or symbol needed to make the expression correct. Preview
5 Organising the school dance 0 Keywords: algebraic expressionslinear equationsnumber sentences Students write and solve linear equations for story problems related to a school dance. Preview
4 Tennis ball equations 1 Keywords: linear equationsnumber sentences Students solve and write simple linear equations about the number of balls in a cylinder. Preview