3 Plotting the grid 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesplotting co-ordinates Students locate co-ordinates on a grid, then plot a further co-ordinate. Preview
3 Plotting letters 0 Keywords: co-ordinatesplotting co-ordinates Students identify the co-ordinates of points required to make the shapes of letters of the alphabet (L, T, and K) on a grid. Preview
3 Visiting the fun fair 2 Keywords: co-ordinatesplotting co-ordinates As students listen to the teacher read the story of Jack's visit to the Fun Fair, they plot the co-ordinates on their grid to show Jack's movement around the Fun Fair. Preview
5 Intercepts and gradients 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesgradientsinterceptslinear equationsplotting co-ordinatesslopes Students identify the slope and intercepts of a linear equation, then plot a different function. Preview
3 Run-a-thon 1 Keywords: graph constructionline graphsnumber patternsplotting co-ordinates Students interpret a table about the amount of money raised for a run-a-thon, and graph the points represented. Preview