4 How many times? 1 Keywords: order of symmetryrotationrotational symmetrysymmetrytransformations Students identify the order of rotational symmetry for a number of shapes. Preview
3 Reflecting shapes 0 Keywords: reflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of shapes in given mirror lines. Preview
4 Reflecting a clock face 0 Keywords: problem solvingreflectiontransformations Students solve probelms about a reflection and time. Preview
4 Reflecting words III 1 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of a number of words. Preview
4 Transformation properties 1 Keywords: enlargementinvariant propertiesreflectionrotationtransformationstranslation This task requires students to indicate the invariant properties of four transformations (translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement). Preview
3 Reflecting figures 4 Keywords: drawingreflectionsymmetrytransformations Students draw reflections of shapes in given mirror lines. Preview
3 Drawing lines of symmetry 2 Keywords: line symmetryreflectionsymmetrytransformations Students draw lines of symmetry on everyday objects. Preview
4 Figure the pattern 3 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which of the three transformations (rotation, reflection, translation) were not used to create repeating koru patterns. Preview
4 Reflecting shapes II 1 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of three shapes in mirror lines. Preview
4 Rotating shapes 3 Keywords: anglesrotationtransformations Students complete a chart showing original shapes, rotation instructions, and the shapes after rotation. Preview
4 Star symmetry 0 Keywords: order of symmetryrotationrotational symmetrysymmetrytransformations Students draw lines of symmetry on a five sided star. Preview
3 Turning shapes around 1 Keywords: order of symmetryrotationrotational symmetrytransformations Students cut out shapes and rotate them to find the number of times each shape fits onto itself in a complete turn. Preview
12 Turning the shape 1 Keywords: anti-clockwiseclockwiserotationtransformations Students rotate shapes using clockwise and anticlockwise turns. Preview
2 Tessellating patterns 6 Keywords: drawingtessellationstransformations Students continue tessellating patterns. Preview
3 Matching shapes and transformations 6 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which transformation has been used to map one shape onto another. Preview
3 Still looks the same 2 Keywords: angle of rotationrotationrotational symmetrysymmetrytransformations Students identify the smallest fraction of a turn so that a shape remains the same. Preview
4 Cat transformations 7 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify the picture of a cat which best shows each of four described transformations of the original cat. Preview
12 Cut and turn 6 Keywords: patternsrotationtransformations Students cut and glue shapes to complete patterns involving rotation. Preview
2 Turning wheels 2 Keywords: anti-clockwiseclockwisedrawingrotationtransformations This task requires students to draw in what the pattern on a bicycle wheel would look like after it has made clockwise and anticlockwise turns. Preview
4 Reflecting the number 5 0 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of an object with a mirror line. Preview
4 Reflection, rotation or translation 3 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which transformations could have been used one shape onto another. Preview
2 Transforming patterns 4 Keywords: patternsreflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students cut and glue shapes to complete patterns involving translation, reflection and rotation. Preview