Task: Students fill in a chart to select the best material for making 6 objects, and give reasons for their answers. Assessment focus: properties of materials related to use.
In this practical task students use a ruler, a protractor, and a compass to enlarge an arrow by two given scale factors. They then complete a table to show the invariant properties.
This practical task requires students to first plan how they could find out which liquid flows the best. Then they carry out their plan, record their results, and write a conclusion.
Students are asked to identify a solid, liquid, and a gas. They are also asked to write down two things that are generally true for each of these three states of matter.
Task: Predict, Observe, Explain, (POE) activity observing what happens to air in a balloon when it is heated. Assessment focus: behaviour of gases when heated and cooled.
Students use the angle between a tangent and a radius property and the base angles in an isosceles triangle property to find an unknown angle and to explain why line segments are of equal size.
In this practical task, students make different shapes with four multi-link cubes, draw them, identify the smallest perimeter, and explain what happens to the area.