2 Party Shopping 2 Keywords: money This task is about working out change for a variety of purchases. Preview
4 Buying some gear 7 Keywords: additionmoneyspending Students add up amounts of money including dollars and cents. Login to preview
4 Buying electricity 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoneymultiplication Students carry out calculations involving addition, and multiplication of whole numbers by decimal numbers. Preview
2 Working out change 2 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students work out the change from given amounts of money for different purchases. Preview
3 Making a cake 5 Keywords: additionequationssubtraction Students work out the extra amounts of ingredients needed for a recipe and complete a table of results. Preview
23 Using doubling and halving 7 Keywords: doublinghalvingmultiplication Students use doubling and halving to solve multiplication problems. Preview
23 Solving maths problems 13 Keywords: additionwork samples Students show how to solve some addition problems. Preview
2 A few coins 0 Keywords: additionmoney Students identify the least number of coins needed to make up specified amounts of money. Preview
23 Rock wall 9 Keywords: arraysmultiplication Students calculate the number of rocks in a wall set up as an array. Preview
2 Different dollars 2 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins and paper notes to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Spending pocket money 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students calculate the amount of money shown by diagrams of coins, then calculate change given when some of the money is spent. Preview
2 Adding sweets 5 Keywords: addition Students perform addition calculations based on information given in a table. Preview
2 Change from $10 1 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students work out the change from $10 for a number of purchases. Preview
2 Lemons, library and sports 1 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to solve story problems. Preview
2 The same total 0 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication Students identify different ways that given amounts of money can be made up using a range of coins and notes. Preview
2 Different coins 1 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Tidying up 6 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of toys to click and drag into a toy box. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
2 Cover up 1 Keywords: additionarraysmultiplicationsubtraction Students work out the number of covered counters on a 10 x 10 array. Preview
2 Cover up II 2 Keywords: additionarraysmultiplicationsubtraction Students work out the number of covered counters on a 10 x 10 array. Preview
2 How many groups? 9 Keywords: divisionquotition Students find the number of groups of a given size using division, reverse multiplication, trial and improvement, or iterative equal sharing. Students must show their working. Preview
4 Estimating multiplication 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication This task requires students to show how to estimate numbers of items in some multiplication problems using any acceptable estimation strategy. Preview
2 Equal sharing II 4 Keywords: divisionequal sharing Students show how they solve equal sharing problems. Preview
23 Equal sharing III 1 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students break given numbers into equal sized groups. Students must show their working. Preview