Born to be wild 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about interpreting visual clues from a cartoon. Question 2Change answer a) List three visual features used to show that Aaron likes to present the image that he is "born to be wild". a) List three visual features used to show that Aaron likes to present the image that he is "born to be wild". 1. 2. 3. Question 2Change answer b) List two ideas from the cartoon above which suggest that Aaron leads a fairly ordinary life. b) List two ideas from the cartoon above which suggest that Aaron leads a fairly ordinary life. 1. 2. Question 2Change answer c) Explain what the cartoonist is poking fun at. c) Explain what the cartoonist is poking fun at. Task administration: This task can be completed using pencil and paper or online (without auto-marking). Copyright: Cartoon copyright: Trace Hodgson, permission to use for educational purposes in Aotearoa New Zealand (August, 2008). Level: 4 Curriculum info: English, Making meaning, Viewing Keywords: cartoon, visual cues, main idea Description of task: Students look at a cartoon and extrapolate meaning through looking at visual features. Answers/responses: Y8 (08/1999) a) Any 3 of: Long hair. Tattoo. Leather/studded wrist bands. (Studded) belt. Large metal buckle. Black singlet/skimpy t-shirt/sleeveless t-shirt. Tight jeans. [Do not accept: "clothes" or "hair".] 3 correct – moderate 2 correct – very easy 1 correct – very easy b) Any 2 of: A suburban street. Tidy looking houses. There are neat gardens/flowers/shrubs. Mum is at home with younger brother/he lives with his mum. His friends play rugby/sport. A person/his mother tells him to do the dishes/chores. There is a domestic cat. Aaron is talking to two 'normal' teenagers. 2 correct – easy 1 correct – very easy c) Any 1 of: Aaron tries to pretend that he is big and tough but he still has to do as he is told. Aaron likes to pose to others about being a rebel. At the tattoo's meaning. easy Gallipoli comments The phantom knocker Road safety Rock Cartoon What goes around comes around The New Zealand Flag Treasure map