From cloud to snow

From cloud to snow

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This task is about the water cycle.
Imagine you are a water drop in a cloud. You then fall to the Earth as a piece of snow. As a piece of snow you land on the side of a mountain in New Zealand. Tell the story of your journey from the cloud, to the mountain, to the sea, and then back into a cloud. In the box on the next page you will find some words that you may need to use in your story.
The story has been started for you.

Question 1Change answer

diagram of the water cycle
Words you may need to use
Water   evaporation   Sun   sea   river
freeze   condensation   heat    melt   snow
Here I am as a water drop in a cloud 
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Description of task: 
Students write a story about the water cycle using a given sequence of events that take place.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.

Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to explain their science ideas.


Y6 (11/2002)

The water freezes to become snow.
The snow melts into water.
The water joins up to form streams/rivers.
The streams/rivers flow to the sea.
The Sun/heat causes the water to evaporate.
The evaporated water condenses into water (in the clouds).

very difficult