Lake Opakoi

Lake Opakoi

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This task is about the changing water levels of a lake over the year.

Question 1Change answer

lake Opakoi
Lake Opakoi is almost surrounded by mountains. In winter it is a very cold place. Thick snow covers the mountains. In summer it is sunny and warm – a good place to have a picnic and a swim. The water level in Lake Opakoi changes during the year. 
Explain the cause(s) of the following changes:
In spring the lake is very full.
During the summer the lake level drops.
In winter the lake level is high.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Description of task: 
For this task students explain the causes to the difference in height of water levels in a lake during spring, summer, and winter.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss what given information means in relation to the water cycle.
Science capabilities: 

Y6 (10/1997)

a) Snow and/or ice melts, the water flows into the lake. moderate
b) Water evaporates and less rainfall. moderate
c) It rains into the lake and onto surrounding hills and mountains – some of this rain will find its way into the lake. moderate