Folding and cutting shapes

Folding and cutting shapes

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about symmetry and reflection.
 Practical Task

Your teacher will give you 5 square pieces of paper.

If you cut along the dotted lines of this folded piece of paper, and then unfold the cut out piece, you will have a circle.






a) Fold three of your squares of paper in half.
On each piece of paper draw the dotted lines you would cut along to get a finished shape that looks like each of the unfolded shapes below. Show your teacher.
  i)    ii)    iii)   
Now fold each of the last two pieces of paper in half, and then in half again.
On each piece of paper draw the dotted lines you would cut along to get a finished shape that looks like each of the unfolded shapes below.
Show your teacher.
  i)    ii)   


Task administration: 

This task is completed with pencil, paper and scissors.


5 square pieces of paper per student.

As an extension to this assessment activity, students may cut out their shapes to check if the lines they have drawn produced the shapes intended. However, it is important that the assessment of the students' work is carried out prior to any cutting.

Description of task: 
Students fold and cut paper to make symmetrical shapes.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.




Correctly folds and marks a square of paper to match the shape shown.

Fold line



Correctly folds and marks a square of paper to match the shape shown.

Fold line



Correctly folds and marks a square of paper to match the shape shown.

Fold line



Correctly folds and marks a square of paper to match the shape shown.



Correctly folds and marks a square of paper to match the shape shown.