Full moon tiger

Full moon tiger

Pencil and paper
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This task is about finding and understanding the interesting language used in poems.

Read the poem "Full moon tiger" School Journal Part 2, No. 3 1987 to answer the following:


a)  In the first two lines of the poem there are three sets of opposites. What are they?
     _________________ and _________________
     _________________ and _________________
     _________________ and _________________
b)  Describe how the pattern of rhyme works in each verse. (Look closely at how each line ends.)
c)  The third verse begins, "His ears are pricked . . .". What does this mean?
d)  Rewrite in your own words the line, "The hunter stalks on velvet paws,"
e)  Poets sometimes like to use words that start with the same letter and put them close together
     e.g., 'run rabbit' or 'perfect plan'. Find an example of this from verse one or two.
Fill in the table showing the line, the words and the sounds. 
Line Words Repeated sound
f)  How has the full moon changed Min the cat?
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students read a poem 'Full Moon Tiger' to answer questions about metaphor, contrast, rhyme and alliteration. SJ-2-3-1987. Text provided.
Curriculum Links: 
Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading:This resource helps to identify students’ ability to:

  • use comprehension strategies
  • recognise language features

as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Reading at: http://www.literacyprogressions.tki.org.nz/The-Structure-of-the-Progressions.

Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Reading Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.

Y5 (10/1998)

Any 3 of:
  • Black and white.
  • Play and sleep.
  • Day and night.
3 correct – moderate

2 correct – easy

1 correct – very easy

b) Each two lines rhyme/indication of repeatedpattern eg: white/night, then out/walkabout.This pattern is repeated/goes on. very difficult
c) His ears stick up/are pointy, i.e., alert, listening. easy
d) The cat/Min hunts silently/quietly or similar idea. very difficult
e) Any 1 of: Line            Words            Repeat sound

  4              Mr., Min                  "m"

  7          field-mice, far               "f"

f) He is a hunter/killer of mice/dangerous like a tiger.[Do not accept "he is a tiger".] very difficult