Going up in the lift

Going up in the lift

Pencil and paper
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This task is about looking at the illustrations in a poem.
Read the poem "Going Up in the Lift", pages 16-17, School Journal, Part 1, Number 2, 1993, and use the pictures to help answer the questions.
  1. What makes the zebra and the man carrying the pies look similar?

  2. What are two ways the boy looks like the monkey?

  3. What do the two black lines near the boy's skateboard show?

  4. What similar things happen when the lift stops at the first, second and third floors?

  5. What is one way the artist shows that the girl on the rollerblades is moving?

  6. Stars, zig zag shapes and wriggly lines have been drawn around the animals getting out at the fifth floor. What do these shapes show about the circus?

  7. In each picture the artist has given a hint about who is going to get out of the lift on the next floor. How has the artist done this?

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
You will need to provide copies of the poem "Going Up in the Lift", pages 16-17, School Journal, Part 1, Number 2, 1993.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students read a poem and its visual text to answer inferential questions. SJ-1-2-1993.
Y6 (06/1999)
a) stripes easy
b) Any 2 of:

•   His hands (are up in the air).
•   His knees (are bent).
•   He is smiling.
•   He is off-balance/moving.

2 correct – difficult

1 correct – easy

c) Any 1 of:

•   It/the skateboard/the boy is moving.
•   Speed.

very easy
d) An animal gets in (and a person gets out). moderate
e) Any 1 of:

•   Her hair is flying back.
•   Her arms are up.
•   Her knees are bent.

f) It/the circus is exciting/fun/magical. difficult
g) The figure of the next person to get out of the lift is half drawn on the edge of each picture. difficult