Is it the same capacity?

Is it the same capacity?

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about capacity.
Teacher Instructions
Look at the four containers. How many of these containers will hold the same amount of water when they are filled up to the top?
Circle the answer you think is best.

(A)   All of them.          (B)   Three of them.          (C)   Two of them.          (D)   None of them.
Why do you think that?
Fill one container with water and use this to fill the other containers (to show that they are all the same capacity). Then ask:
Why is it that all the containers hold the same amount when they are all different shapes?
Student form                      Name: ____________________
(A)   All of them.          (B)   Three of them.          (C)   Two of them.          (D)   None of them.   
Student form                      Name: ____________________
(A)   All of them.          (B)   Three of them.          (C)   Two of them.          (D)   None of them.
Task administration: 


Four different two litre containers or bottles with their labels removed.

Read the instructions from this page to the students and get them to fill in their answers on the separate form provided.

Description of task: 
In this practical task, students decide how many of four different shaped containers have the same capacity, then check by filling them with water.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can help to identify students' understanding of measurement sense for capacity.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
a) A
b) Any 1 of:

  • They take up the same amount of space.
  • They are the same size.
  • They have the same volume or capacity.
  • They all look like 2 litre containers.
  • Explains how height, width, and length are factors.

Any 1 of:

  •    They take up the same amount of space.
  •    They are the same size.
  •    They have the same volume or capacity.
  •    Explains how height, width, and length are factors.

NOTE:  This could be done individually with the teacher recording the responses or as a group task with students writing down their answers.