The meaning of pH

The meaning of pH

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This task is a quick check of your knowledge of the pH scale.


Hine and Peter tested the pH of distilled water. They found it to be neutral.
What was the pH value of the distilled water?

    • 4

    • 5

    • 6

    • 7

    • 8


An industrial chemist tested the pH of a cleaner which contained caustic soda.
The pH, which was 12, can be best described as ...

    • strongly basic

    • mildly basic

    • neutral

    • mildly acidic

    • strongly acidic

Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students answer two multiple-choice questions on pH.

Y9 (08/1997)

Y10 (08/1997)

a) D (7) difficult easy
b) A (strongly basic) moderate difficult

In a recent trial of students completing the online version, responses to this question were similar to those conducted in the 1997 trial above.

Teaching and learning: 

Students could practise reading the pH scale from the middle. Reading from 7 upwards to 14 is increasing in strength as a base and reading downwards from 7 to 1 is increasing strength as an acid.  

Diagnostic and formative information: 


Common error  (Year 10)


Option E chosen by 26% of students.

Some students did not separate the scale into an acid and a basic scale beginning in the middle at pH 7. Instead they read the whole scale from 1 to 14 as an acidic scale.