Prize wheel

Prize wheel

Pencil and paper
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At a fair, a prize wheel is spun. If the arrow is pointing to a prize when the wheel stops spinning you win that prize.

Answer the questions below by filling in the boxes.

a)   After one spin of the wheel above, what is the chance of winning


  i) the jackpot?      chance in  
  ii) any prize?     chance(s) in 
  iii) a chicken?       chance(s) in

b)   If Simon won a prize, what is the chance it is chocolates?   chance(s) in   

Task administration: 
This task is completed with pencil and paper only.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students calculate the chances of winning prizes when a prize wheel is spun.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can be used to help to identify students' understanding of writing likelihoods as fractions, decimals or percentages.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
  Y9 (04/1999)
a) i)
7 and 16
2 and 16 or 1 and 8
b)   4, 7 difficult
Diagnostic and formative information: 
  Common error Likely reason
a) i) 1  
a) i)
7, 15
2, 15
Uses a denominator of 15 rather than 16.
b) 4, 16 Uses a denominator of 16 rather than 7, i.e., answers "probability of a prize being chocolate".