
This task is about working with measures of data such as mean, median, range, and mode.
The New Zealand team won all their games in the 1996 Softball World Series.
The number of runs they scored in each game was as follows:
17, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 12, 13, 10, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4
a) |
In how many games did the New Zealand team score
i) exactly three runs? __________
ii) more than five runs? __________
b) |
In what percentage of games did the New Zealand team score less than six runs?
__________ %
c) |
For the 99 runs scored by the New Zealand team, what is the:
i) mean (average)? __________
ii) range? __________
iii) mode? __________
iv) median? __________