Whose earlobes will they get?

Whose earlobes will they get?

Pencil and paper
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Unattached earlobe                           Attached earlobe 

A family tree has been drawn below. Females are represented by  and males by 
The genotypes for free (unattached) or attached ear lobes of some members of this family have been written in.
NOTE:  E – the dominant form of the gene, it causes 'free' ear-lobes.
e – the recessive form of the gene, it causes 'attached' ear-lobes.


Family Tree

earlobes family tree diagram

One of the genotypes has been written incorrectly.
Put a M in the square or circle to show which genotype is incorrect.  
b) Shade in the or  of all those individuals who would have attached ear-lobes.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed by pencil and paper.
Description of task: 
Using the information provided on unattached and attached ear lobes, students complete a family tree for this genetic trait.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the use of symbols and science representations of inheritance/family trees.

Science capabilities: 

Y10 (11/1999)

a) earlobes diagram answer a moderate

earlobes diagram answer b

2 correct – difficult

1 correct – moderate