23 Solving maths problems 13 Keywords: additionwork samples Students show how to solve some addition problems. Preview
34 Estimation or not? 1 Keywords: additionconcept cartoonsdiscussionestimation Students decide which children are estimating and which are not, and explain their reasoning. Preview
3 How long on the bus? 2 Keywords: additiondigital timesubtractiontime Students work out how much time some bus trips take. Preview
3 Student answers 2 Keywords: additionstrategiessubtraction Students explain why a range of students' answers to a maths problem are incorrect. Preview
34 Collecting beads 7 Keywords: additionkey competenciessubtraction Student solve addition problems where the missing value is located in different positions. This may mean that students transform the problem into a subtraction one. Students reflect on the easiest and hardest problems, and explain their choice. Preview
34 Close to a half 4 Keywords: fractionskey competenciesordering fractions Students identify fractions that are greater than a half, explain their reasoning, and identify how far from half some fractions are. Preview
23 Estimating addition IV 0 Keywords: additionestimation This task requires students to estimate some addition problems using any appropriate method. Preview
3 Māra kai 7 Keywords: multiplication Students answer maths problems involving multiplication and show their strategies. Preview
3 Estimating with addition III 1 Keywords: additionestimation This task requires students to estimate some addition problems using any appropriate method. Preview