4 Water level 2 Keywords: negative numbersnumber linesscale Students answer questions involving negative numbers about rising and falling water levels. Preview
2 The right money 3 Keywords: additionmoney Students work out which row of coins represents a given amount. Preview
3 Fruit and vegetables 1 Keywords: additionchangedecimalsmoneysubtraction Students solve problems involving money by finding the total spent and the change from a given amount. Preview
1 Vegetable Soup 4 Keywords: subtraction Students answer questions that involve subtracting numbers. Preview
1 Subtraction fun 4 Keywords: subtraction This task is about subtracting with different parts of the equation missing. Preview
2 Adding to ten 2 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete simple equations that add to 10. Preview
3 Subtraction boxes 1 Keywords: basic factssubtraction Students complete subtraction equations by selecting from a range of numbers. Preview
4 Using string lines 0 Keywords: additioncomposite shapeslengthperimeter Students calculate the length of a builder's string line. Preview
3 Packing sweets 1 Keywords: arearectanglesrepeated units Students work out how many small boxes fit into a larger carton. Preview
4 Buying more CDs and DVDs 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmultiplicationsubtraction Students use all four operations to perform calculations using decimal values. Preview
2 Party balloons 6 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use all addition and subtraction operations to perform calculations. Preview
4 Flight schedule 1 Keywords: subtractiontable interpretationtime Students answer four questions about flight times on a flight schedule. Preview
2 Notes and coins 8 Keywords: moneyproblem solving Students work out the smallest and largest amounts of coins and notes in a piggy bank from statements about the number and type of money. Preview
2 Different dollars 2 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins and paper notes to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Working out change 2 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students work out the change from given amounts of money for different purchases. Preview
34 City populations 1 Keywords: additiondecimalssubtraction Students calculate addition and subtraction problems, written in decimal form, for city populations. Preview
3 Daily timetable 2 Keywords: additiondigital timetime Students complete a timetable by adding on the time taken for each task. Preview
4 Changing temperatures II 4 Keywords: negative numbersreading scalestemperature Students read temperatures on thermometers and identify where changes of temperature would be marked. Preview
2 Using shape numbers 6 Keywords: place value Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying numbers shown in a shape-based number system. Preview
34 Fencing the field 5 Keywords: perimeterrectangles Students find the perimeters for range of different 4-sided polygons. Preview
3 Keep fit programme 4 Keywords: additionsubtractiontime Students perform calculations using the times taken to carry out a range of fitness activities. Preview
3 Knock the can 1 Keywords: addition Students use addition to calculate possible scores in a fairground game. Preview
3 Making a cake 5 Keywords: additionequationssubtraction Students work out the extra amounts of ingredients needed for a recipe and complete a table of results. Preview
3 Buying books II 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoney Students answer questions about total cost, cheapest, most expensive, and the maximum number of books that can be bought. Book prices are decimal numbers. Preview