5 Circumference and diameter 1 Keywords: circumferencediameterreading scales In this practical task, students measure two circular objects to find the circumference, diameter and the relationship between them (pi). Preview
5 Extending the deck 1 Keywords: areacomposite shapestriangles Students calculate the total area of a deck and a deck with an extension. Preview
3 Setting up tables 2 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate and identify the shape with the largest area, and the longest perimeter from three shapes drawn on a grid. Preview
3 Millilitres or litres? 3 Keywords: capacityunits of measurement Students identify whether litres or millilitres would be the best unit of measurement for a range of everyday measuring tasks. Preview
4 Looking at length 0 Keywords: estimationlengthpracticalreading scales In this practical task, students estimate the length of two common classroom objects, then check their estimates with a ruler. Preview
4 Soccer and netball 1 Keywords: arearectangles Students use a diagram of a netball court and soccer field to calculate area. Preview
4 Area of the section II 1 Keywords: areacomposite shapesproblem solvingrectanglesunitising Students use the scaled plan of a property to calculate the area of the pool, house, and lawn. Preview
3 How many centimetres? 2 Keywords: estimationlengthreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the length of two objects using a ruler. Preview
4 Area and perimeter of four shapes 3 Keywords: areaperimeter Students identify which of four shapes created from equilateral triangles has the largest area and which has the largest perimeter. Preview
4 The Beaufort scale 1 Keywords: reading scalestable interpretationwind Students use the Beaufort Scale, found on the Met Service website, to answer questions about wind speed. Preview
4 Looking at weight 2 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate the weight of two different sized bags, then check their estimates using kitchen scales. Preview
3 Reading a temperature scale 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalestemperature Students identify the measure of temperature off linear scales. Preview
4 Using cubes 4 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescuboidslengthperimetervolume Students calculate the volume of 3-dimensional shapes made up from cubes. Preview
3 Working out capacity 3 Keywords: capacityestimationrepeated units Students estimate the amount of liquid in four different glasses based on the amount given that is in a fifth glass. Preview
3 Millimetre, centimetre, metre or kilometre? 5 Keywords: lengthunits of measurement Students choose the most appropriate measurement unit - millimetre, centimetre, metre, or kilometre - to measure a range of objects. Preview
34 Fencing the field 5 Keywords: perimeterrectangles Students find the perimeters for range of different 4-sided polygons. Preview
3 How many litres? 1 Keywords: capacityconversion of units Students answer questions about the total capacity in litres given the number of cups that fill the containers. Preview
4 Finding area and perimeter 5 Keywords: areacomposite shapesperimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the perimeter and area of three composite shapes. Login to preview
45 Sending soccer balls 2 Keywords: conversion of unitsdecimalsmultiplicationweight Students calculate the weight for different numbers of soccer balls and calculate the weight for a given number of soccer balls. Preview
23 Reading scales 3 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
3 Working out area 2 Keywords: areaestimationunit squares Students calculate or estimate the area for each of three shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Units of measurement II 5 Keywords: lengthmassunitsunits of measurement Students identify the correct unit of measurement that would be used for the weight or length of a range of everyday objects. Preview
2 Reading scales III 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
3 Rectangular area 3 Keywords: arearepeated units Students calculate the area of a range of rectangular shapes. Preview
3 Youth group 2 Keywords: capacityconversion of unitsmultiplication Students convert millilitres to litres and vice versa to answer questions about the number of 200ml cups of lemonade in litre bottles. Preview