34 Money fractions 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorsmoney In this practical task students use play money to show fractions of dollar amounts. Preview
5 Savings account II 1 Keywords: bankinglinear equationsmoneyrulessavingsubstitution Students demonstrate their understanding of a linear algebraic equation to calculate the amount of money in a savings account. Preview
5 With or without GST 1 Keywords: discountmoneypercentages Students work out the cost of items of clothing both before and after GST has been added to them. Preview
4 Buying vegetables 3 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmoneymultiplicationratessubtraction Students use prices of vegetables to perform all four arithmetic operations on decimal numbers. Preview
5 Chocolate special 0 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplicationrates Students calculate the cost per kilogram of three confectionery hampers. Preview
2 Bags for sale 1 Keywords: moneyordering numbersplace valuetotal valuewhole numbers Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying smallest and largest 3-digit money values, and by calculating the number of 10s in given amounts. Preview
4 Buying some gear 7 Keywords: additionmoneyspending Students add up amounts of money including dollars and cents. Login to preview