2 Bookshop letter 2 Keywords: lettermessagenempstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a letter to a bookshop requesting information about a book. Preview
5 Applying for a job 0 Keywords: letterstructure and language Students express interest in a job by writing a letter and a message to leave on an answer phone. Preview
4 Cola 2 Keywords: letternemporganisationstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a letter to a company requesting some information. Preview
24 Thank you letter 2 Keywords: letternempstructure and language For this NEMP task students write a thank you letter to the Playground Trust. The letter is assessed on letter conventions, content, and language. Preview
3 Letter writing 5 Keywords: abbreviationsletter An example of a personal letter provides the context, with questions about letter formats and abbreviations being the assessment focus. Login to preview
3 Using capital letters II 3 Keywords: capital lettersemailletternounspunctuation A letter without capitals is the context of this punctuation assessment. Students insert capitals for a number of different purposes. Preview
5 Graffiti 4 Keywords: comparisonletteropinionpisapurposetext featuresthink critically Students read two letters about personal viewpoints on graffiti and answer questions about the content and style of the letters. Preview
24 Postcard 4 Keywords: lettermessagenempstructure and language For this NEMP task students fill in a postcard about a holiday. Students' writing is assessed on postcard conventions, content, and legibility. Preview
3 Emailing a pen pal 4 Keywords: emailletterpunctuationquestion marks The main focus of this task is punctuation. Students will read Janine's email to her new pen pal and insert eight question marks in the correct places. Preview