4 People and their pets 5 Keywords: distributiondot plotswork samples Students compare the overall distribution of two graphs and describe their reasons. Preview
5 Website hits 0 Keywords: cyclegraph interpretationtime-seriestrendwork samples Students identify true and false statements, and provide a description of the most important features of a time series graph. Preview
45 Throwing a coin 3 Keywords: independenceprobabilitywork samples Students identify the most likely sequence of tosses of a fair coin and explain their reasons. Preview
23 Community garden 13 Keywords: key competenciesmultiplicationwork samples Students answer maths problems involving multiplication, and show their working. Preview
23 Solving more maths problems 10 Keywords: subtractionwork samples Students show how to solve some subtraction problems. Preview
5 Post a parcel 1 Keywords: breakeven pointsgraph interpretationlinear equationstable interpretationwork samples Students use tables, graphs, and equations to find the break-even point for two companies who charge for postage according to different rules. Preview
4 Sliding, spinning, tumbling 0 Keywords: distributiondot plotsfair testingplanning investigationspredict-observe-explainpredictionwork samples Students predict how a cube will travel when flicked in different positions, and conduct an experiment to see what happens in practice. Preview
3 Sentence lengths II 1 Keywords: distributiongraph constructiongraph interpretationpracticalpredictionself assessmentwork samples Students conduct a statistical investigation into the sentence length of different types of books by making and comparing dot plots. Preview
4 Letters to houses 1 Keywords: bi-variate datagraph constructiongraph interpretationscatterplotstable interpretationwork samples Students draw a scatterplot of a table of data and describe the relationship between the two variables. Preview
3 Common words 3 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph constructiongraph interpretationwork samples Students conduct a statistical investigation about their prediction of the most common words used in English. They make graphs, describe their shape, and compare their own graph with ones that other students produce. Preview
2 Area of shapes 14 Keywords: areaunit squareswork samples Students draw shapes of given areas, and choose from the bigger area, explaining their reasoning. Preview