23 Continue the patterns 7 Keywords: ordinal positionrecursive rulesrepeating patterns Students find subsequent shapes in a repeated pattern and show how to work out another shape based further on in the pattern. Preview
4 Using brackets 2 Keywords: order of operations Students demonstrate their understanding of the order of operations and placing brackets. Preview
4 Buying electricity 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoneymultiplication Students carry out calculations involving addition, and multiplication of whole numbers by decimal numbers. Preview
4 Using brackets II 0 Keywords: additionbracketsdivisionmultiplicationorder of operationssubtraction Students demonstrate their understanding of the order of operations and placing brackets. Preview
4 Younger brother scribble 0 Keywords: algorithmsarithmetic operations Students display their knowledge of algorithms by filling in missing digits for some computations. Preview
3 Food for the day 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of food items to click and drag into a chilly bin. Preview
3 Reading scales II 4 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
3 Reading a temperature scale 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalestemperature Students identify the measure of temperature off linear scales. Preview
3 Addition squares I 3 Keywords: additionarrayslinear equationsproblem solvingsubtraction Students complete addition arrays by selecting from given numbers. Preview
5 Intercepts and gradients 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesgradientsinterceptslinear equationsplotting co-ordinatesslopes Students identify the slope and intercepts of a linear equation, then plot a different function. Preview
5 Triangles 1 Keywords: line segmentspisaright angled triangles Students identify which of 5 triangles fits a given description. Preview
4 Rotating shapes 3 Keywords: anglesrotationtransformations Students complete a chart showing original shapes, rotation instructions, and the shapes after rotation. Preview
3 Tessellating bricks 1 Keywords: tessellations Students continue tessellation patterns of a rectangular shape. Preview
3 Measuring toy planes 9 Keywords: centimetreslengthmeasuringruler Students read scales to measure images of objects to the nearest tenth of a centimetre. Login to preview
3 Different rulers 2 Keywords: decimalsnumber linesreading scales Students identify decimal numbers on a number line. Preview
3 Drawing circles 1 Keywords: circlesdrawingradius Students use the given the radius to draw each circle on a bulls-eye target. Preview
3 Counting all faces 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesfacesvisualising Students count the number of faces on various 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Drawing 3-D shapes 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesdrawingisometric drawingsviews Students draw in three 3-dimensional shapes on a grid from the view shown. Preview
3 Corners, faces and edges II 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesedgesfacesvertices This task requires students to identify the shape name, the number of faces, edges and vertices of a selection of everyday objects. Preview
2 Sorting shapes II 3 Keywords: shape properties This task is about sorting shapes into different groups. Preview
23 Snack food combinations 4 Keywords: combinations Students cut out pictures and use them to show all the different possible combinations of two sets of objects. Preview
45 Beehive patterns 2 Keywords: functional ruleslinear equationsspatial patterns Students continue a spatial pattern of hexagons, then describe its rule. Preview
2 Creating number sentences 3 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thannemp For this NEMP task students use cards with numbers and operations on them to create number sentences. Preview
2 Older or younger? II 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol (greater then, equal to, less than) to complete statements about the ages of some children. Preview