1 Vegetable Soup 4 Keywords: subtraction Students answer questions that involve subtracting numbers. Preview
5 Square and cubic numbers 4 Keywords: basic factscubic numberssquare numbers Students identify square and cubic numbers mentally in a timed test. Preview
5 Vintage cars 3 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students convert speeds of vintage cars into kilometres per hour, and calculate distances travelled at these speeds. Preview
3 Packing boxes 4 Keywords: arearepeated unitsvolume Students calculate the number of 3-dimensional shapes that fit into larger 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
4 Positive and negative number line 6 Keywords: negative numbersnumber lines Students identify negative and positive numbers on a number line and suggest real life experiences that would involve negative numbers. Preview
2 Missing shapes 2 Keywords: repeating patterns Students draw the next shapes in spatial sequential patterns. Preview
4 The Beaufort scale 1 Keywords: reading scalestable interpretationwind Students use the Beaufort Scale, found on the Met Service website, to answer questions about wind speed. Preview
3 Units of measurement III 3 Keywords: lengthmassunitsunits of measurementweight Students identify the correct unit of measurement that would be used for the weight or length of a range of everyday objects. Preview
3 How many millilitres? 1 Keywords: capacityestimationreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the volume of two containers using a measuring jug. Preview
3 Cough medicine 3 Keywords: capacitydivision Students work out how many doses in a larger measure of medicine. Preview
3 Swimming pool temperature 2 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphstime-series Students interpret a line graph showing the water temperature in a school pool over a two week period. Preview
1 Patterns with numbers 3 Keywords: number patterns Students find missing numbers to complete addition and subtraction number patterns. Preview
4 Looking at weight 2 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate the weight of two different sized bags, then check their estimates using kitchen scales. Preview
5 Graphing equations 1 Keywords: graph constructionlinear equations Students construct a graph for each linear equation given. Preview
2 Cover up 1 Keywords: additionarraysmultiplicationsubtraction Students work out the number of covered counters on a 10 x 10 array. Preview
3 Dividing by three and five 3 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify multiples of 5 and of 3, and explain their reasoning. Preview
34 Correcting mistakes 11 Keywords: areameasurementperimeterproblem solving Students identify the error in three statements made about the perimeter and area of given objects. Preview
4 Buying drinks 1 Keywords: graph interpretationrelationships Students demonstrate their understanding of a graph showing the relationship between the cost of different bottles of drink and the amount each bottle contains. They then explain which bottle of drink is the best value for money paid. Preview
45 Student absences 6 Keywords: graph constructionline graphs Students compare a data table and a line graph and identify features that are missing or incorrect in the graph. Preview
3 Bus timetable 2 Keywords: chart interpretationdigital timeminutestime Students use time calculations to fill in missing data on a bus timetable, and answer questions from the timetable. Preview
4 Adding and subtracting decimals 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsnempsubtraction For this NEMP task students perform a range of addition and subtraction calculations using whole numbers and decimals. Preview
4 Netball and archery 4 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretationoutliers Students describe the shape of two distinctive dot plots showing different data. Preview
2 Working out change 2 Keywords: moneysubtraction Students work out the change from given amounts of money for different purchases. Preview
4 Estimating sums of money 2 Keywords: additiondiscussionestimation Students estimate an addition problem, share their methods, discuss the front-end method and then do more problems using front-end. Preview
5 Solving by substitution 4 Keywords: algebraic expressionssubstitution Students show how to solve a series of algebraic expressions by substituting given numbers. Preview