4 Writing percentages 3 Keywords: basic factsdecimalspercentages Students write decimal fractions as percentages. Preview
3 June temperatures 2 Keywords: decimalsordering numbers Students state temperatures to the nearest tenth degree, between two given temperatures. They also order a set of temperatures from coldest to warmest. Preview
4 Rounding numbers sensibly II 1 Keywords: roundingwhole numbers Students identify one possible original number from a given rounded number. Preview
4 Same sized fractions 12 Keywords: equivalent fractionsfractions Students show or explain how two different fraction numbers can represent the same fraction. Preview
4 Different fractions on a number line 3 Keywords: fractionsimproper fractionsnumber linesordering fractions Students order a range of fractions on a number line. Preview
34 Fractions on a number line 2 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresnumber linesordering fractions Students show where different fractions are positioned on a number line. Preview