Students construct a composite bar graph on areas of female employment in 1956 and 1996. They also answer questions interpreting and comparing the data.
Students are given a diagram and information on the ratios of black- to grey-coated possums. Students answer questions relating to this information as well as identifying a method that could be used to determine the percentage of each coat colour.
Students study a table of test results percentages for a range of subjects. Students answer questions involving mean, median, mode and range. They also draw a stem-and-leaf graph.
A bar graph showing the percentage of endangered species threatened by predation, competition, and/or habitat loss is given. Students use this graph to answer questions and explain the terms; predation, competition, and habitat loss.
Students interpret a histogram showing the number of vehicles travelling at different speeds past a speed camera. Students need to calculate a percentage and the median to complete this task.
Students are provided with seven drawings of different animals and are asked to draw circles around those that are insects. Two features of insects are also required.
Students match each of seven circuit symbols provided to its respective name. Then the students use the symbols to complete the simple circuit diagram as described.
Students read an article about an investigation into the sustainable harvest of pīkao and identify key features of the investigation. Assessment focus: interpreting information about how scientists work.