Students discuss making an initial estimate in addition problems using the front-end method followed by compensation to get a more accurate estimate. They then use this method on two addition problems.
Students create simple and compound sentences to go with given photos. The focus is on combining sentences, using simple conjunctions. A peer sharing task completes the resource.
Students view an online animation which illustrates stages of a volcanic eruption, write their observations and answer question about eruptions. Assessment focus: observations based on a model, and knowledge of volcanic eruptions.
Task: Select the correct reason why a bird on a power line does not get electrocuted and select pictures of danger of electrocution, justifying choice. Assessment focus: understanding of the route taken by electricity/electrocution.
Student solve addition problems where the missing value is located in different positions. This may mean that students transform the problem into a subtraction one. Students reflect on the easiest and hardest problems, and explain their choice.
Students are required to identify arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos and then use these to write a paragraph expressing their point of view about this issue.
This comprehension task assesses a student's ability to make inferences about a character's feelings based on the evidence in a written and visual text, and their own prior experience.