3 Finding out about sports on TV 1 Keywords: data collectionplanning investigationssurveystable constructiontally charts Students pose a question for an investigation about favourite sports. They then construct a table that could record the results. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
4 Cross country finishing times 2 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutesseconds Students work out how long a race took given the starting and finishing time. Answers are split into hours, minutes and seconds. Preview
4 Telling time 1 Keywords: 24-hour timea.m.digital timep.m. Students answer questions that involve converting between different ways of telling time. Preview
4 Time calculations 0 Keywords: 24-hour timeadditionsubtractiontime Students work out time calculations involving 24 hour time. Preview
4 How many minutes between? 0 Keywords: additionconversion of unitsminutesmultiplicationsubtractiontime Students answer questions about the difference between a range of given times in minutes. Preview
4 Estimating sweets II 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication Students explain multiplication estimation methods used to solve word problems. Preview
3 Buying Christmas presents 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students interpret a pie graph to answer multiple choice questions. Preview
2 The same total 0 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication Students identify different ways that given amounts of money can be made up using a range of coins and notes. Preview
2 Different coins 1 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
3 Toy holiday 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of toys to click and drag into a suitcase. Preview
4 Area of 3 fields 5 Keywords: areameasurementperimeter Students calculate the area of composite shapes. Preview
4 Transforming Patterns II 2 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students choose which transformation is being used to continue a pattern. Preview
4 Bus prices 6 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoney Students perform addition and multiplication based on information given in decimal form in a table. Preview
4 Using orange juice 0 Keywords: capacityconversion of units Students answer questions that involve calculating the capacities of different situations. Preview
3 Inches and centimetres 0 Keywords: conversion of unitsdouble number lineslength Students use diagrams of a metric and imperial ruler to convert between inches and centimetres. Preview
4 Looking at capacity 0 Keywords: capacityestimationreading scales In this practical task, students estimate the capacity of two different sized containers, then check their estimates with a measuring jug. Preview
3 How many grams? 1 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the weight of two bags using kitchen scales. Preview
4 Different capacities 0 Keywords: capacityconversion of units Students convert millilitres to litres and vice versa when working out quantities of bottles and glasses of fizzy drink for a party. Preview
3 Dog sense 0 Keywords: Life processesadaptationdogssenses Task: students write the sense related to various parts of a dog's body. Assessment focus: sensory organs. Preview
2 Predicting capacity 4 Keywords: capacityestimationmeasuringnon standard unitspracticalunits of measurement In this practical task, students first estimate, then measure, how many 500ml jars it takes to fill a 1 litre and a 3 litre container Preview
3 Earth's water reserves 6 Keywords: interacting systemswaterwater cycle Students use a diagram to answer questions about water reserves, the main difference between lake and sea water, and to explain how water in the ocean could end up falling as snow in the mountains. Preview
2 Handy lengths 1 Keywords: lengthnon standard unitsproblem solvingunits of measurement Students explain why two people will get different totals when measuring a room using their hand span. Preview
4 What changes? 1 Keywords: enlargementinvariant propertiesresizing Students work out area, length and angles of a shape after enlargement. Preview