School Uniforms

School Uniforms

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Further Resources
This task is about looking at different points of view and developing an argument.

People have different opinions about whether or not school uniforms are a good idea. Write an argument that explores this issue. You will need to think from different points of view and support each with reasons. When you have looked at all sides of the issue, you may wish to express your own point of view when writing the conclusion. For help in writing an argument, ask your teacher for the checklist, Writing an argument - Learning intention guide. You may use the ideas in the speech bubbles to help you.

Task administration: 
4, 5
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students explore the issue of school uniforms, developing arguments around it from different points of view.
Curriculum Links: 
This resource can be used to help to identify students’ ability to create texts to meet the writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Links to the Literacy Learning Progressions for Writing:
This resource helps to identify students’ ability to:
  • choose effective content, language, and text structure
  • generate content that is relevant to the task
as described in the Literacy Learning Progressions for Writing at:


Learning Progression Frameworks
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.