Fish camouflage

Fish camouflage

Pencil and paper
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses

Colour in each fish by following the instructions beside it. Then answer the question below each fish.


2 = light brown
3 = dark brown

When you have finished colouring this fish put some small dark red patches all over it.

a)  This fish lives on the bottom of shallow seas. How does its colour help it survive?



1 = leave this part white
4 = dark blue
5 = blue

b)  Why would a fish-eating bird have trouble seeing this fish when it is flying above it?


Butterfly fish


1 = leave this part white
9 = yellow
10 = black

c)  The eyes of this fish are protected in two ways. Explain one way this has been done.

Description of task: 
Students colour in three fish according to given instructions. They then explain the advantage of this colour pattern for each fish.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how using a model (in this case colouring in a drawing) help investigate a question.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 
  Y6 (11/98)
  • Camouflaged with sea floor/sand.

[Note: do not accept "because it is camouflaged" only.]

  • Its blue colour is similar to the sea.

Any 1 of:

  • Fish has a false eye spot at the rear/the eye spot lures predators away.
  • Eye on fish is hard to see (as all the area is black).
