

Pencil and paper
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This task is about looking at the words and images used on a postcard,
A stylised postcard that reads "Christchurch - the place to be this Summer!"
Look at the postcard about Christchurch and answer the questions below.


Write down two different water sports shown on the postcard.

i)  ________________________________________________________

ii) ________________________________________________________

b) Write down two different ways of travelling on the roads shown on the postcard.

i)  ________________________________________________________

ii) ________________________________________________________

c)  Christchurch is sometimes called "the garden city". What two things on the postcard show this?

i)  ________________________________________________________

ii) ________________________________________________________



What is a good thing for families with young children to do that is shown on this postcard?


What does "Christchurch – the place to be this Summer!" mean?
(A)   You can only have holidays in Christchurch in summer.
(B)   Something special is happening in Christchurch.
(C)   If you go to Christchurch in the summer you'll have a great time.
(D)   You should go and live in Christchurch.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
A stylised postcard on Christchurch is analysed and interpreted through short questions on the card's visual features.


Y4 (11/1999)


Any 2 of:

  • wind surfing
  • sailing/yachting
  • punting/rowing/going in a gondola [accept canoeing]
  • fishing

2 correct – easy

1 correct – very easy


Any 2 of:

  • car
  • bicycle
  • tram [accept bus]
  • skateboard 

2 correct – very easy

1 correct – very easy 


Any 2 of:

  • Flowers.
  • Trees/bushes.
  • Lawn/grass/park.
  • Flax.
  • A lot of plants in relation to buildings.

2 correct – moderate

1 correct – very easy 

d) Have a picnic. very easy
e) C easy