As students listen to the teacher read an adapted version of 'The Three Little Pigs' they construct a line graph showing how frightened the third little pig was feeling.
Students demonstrate their understanding of a graph showing the relationship between the cost of different bottles of drink and the amount each bottle contains. They then explain which bottle of drink is the best value for money paid.
Task: Complete a drawing of things found in or near a waterway, and describe relationships between them. Assessment focus: interdependence in a waterways environment.
Task: Complete a drawing of things found on a dairy farm, and describe relationships between them. Assessment focus: interdependence in a dairy farm environment.
Task: Complete a drawing of things found in and near a flax bush, and describe relationships between them. Assessment focus: interdependence in a flax bush environment.
Task: Complete a drawing of things found in an area of native bush and describe relationships between them. Assessment focus: interdependence in a native bush environment.